DCANZ Executive Director Simon Tucker said today that the announcement that New Zealand and Chinese Taipei are launching a feasibility study into a bilateral economic cooperation agreement could mean a welcome addition to NZ’s portfolio of trade agreements in the Asia Pacific region.
“With New Zealand’s existing FTAs with China and Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei has been a missing piece of the puzzle up until now. A similar agreement with Chinese Taipei would deepen further our partnership with the broader China economy and lead to new opportunities for New Zealand’s dairy exporters.”
Chinese Taipei is a significant dairy market for New Zealand, particularly for milk powders, butter and cheese. New Zealand exports were worth over $330 million in 2010. Chinese Taipei’s dairy product import tariffs generally range from 5% to 15%. A reduction in these trade barriers would mean better returns for NZ dairy exporters and would be likely to lead to new opportunities for growth.
“It is good news to see that the Government is looking to negotiate new trade agreements with important export markets for our dairy exports.”
For further information contact:
Simon Tucker, Executive Director
About DCANZ:
The Dairy Companies Association of New Zealand (DCANZ) was formed in July 2003 to co-ordinate and represent the collective public policy interests of its member dairy companies. Its members comprise Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd, Tatua Co-operative Dairy Company Ltd, Westland Milk Products, Fonterra Brands (NZ) Ltd, Goodman Fielder Ltd, Miraka Ltd, Synlait Ltd, New Zealand Dairies Ltd and Open Country Dairies Ltd.